Clark County
Sheriff’s Office (Ohio)
Jurisdiction: Clark County, population 144,742
The Clark County Drug Death Review Committee recorded 64 drug-related deaths in Clark County in 2018. The most common age group among individuals who died of a drug overdose was 35 to 44 years, followed by 25 to 34 years. Fifty-six percent had high school diplomas, and nearly 47 percent were employed. Twenty-six of the 64 individuals had served in the military.
The ongoing substance use epidemic, and more recently the coronavirus, made it critical for Clark County to address the safe disposal of unwanted and unused prescription drugs in a manner that recognizes that everyone has a role to play in confronting this challenge. The Clark County Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Supports Coalition distributed 2,432 drug disposal pouches since December 2019 but needed more. As a partner, the Clark County Sheriff’s Office provided a safe alternative to safely dispose of its unused/unwanted medications by aligning its efforts with National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and other Drug Enforcement Administration- and Food and Drug Administration-led activities. The Clark County Sheriff’s Office purchased two permanent 46-gallon drop boxes where residents can dispose of unwanted and unused medications at the Sheriff’s Office and a local government center. For those who prefer to dispose of medications themselves, the project purchased 800 small, at-home disposable pouches. Six hundred of the pouches were distributed by the Clark County Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Supports Coalition to home health care providers, health fairs, and food banks. The Sheriff’s Office distributed the remaining 200 pouches at local events during a public awareness campaign.